I'm glad to hear from your team leader that you are doing well in training. How is life in the "Newcomers Section"? I hope your underarm heals quickly. Are there ever disagreements in your community? I imagine there would be some because the uncontrolled, although noble and desperate for freedom, do have different views on other things. Also, your group is mostly young folks. What inventions has Jean Paul been working on? I'm curious to know if he's gone through with that crazy "steam engine" idea. To me, it sounds ridiculous, but hey, it just might work. As you know, my construction of a west wing in the cave still needs to be approved by the board, but I really hope we can begin progress soon. I've heard from Ozymandias that he's sent four young girls in our direction. We really need more space to fit newcomers. That's why I came up with the idea in the first place. I know we aren't to speak about this too much, but have you heard anything new about Project Tripod City?
Enough about the future. I have been entertaining the idea of writing a book. The reason I'm telling you is that I want to write it about you, from your perspective. Before I do that, though, I need to get all the facts straight. When you were in the City of the Ancients, you found a watch shop, correct? You put the watch about your wrist, but do you still have it, or did you lose it throughout the course of your journey? And another question: Did Ozymandias ever give you anything special to help you on your trip? That's about all the information I need at the moment. The rest I remember from your speech at the Welcoming Ceremony. I need to go meet with Geraldine to talk about the blueprints. I hope to see you soon, Will.
Your friend,
I liked the book, "The White Mountains" because the author shows through his writing that he has and amazing imagination. It is so crazy to believe that he could make up this entire story just off the top of his head! I also love the way he described special scenes with creative adjectives. The author has such a wide vocabulary that searching for a "Vocab word" for the reading response sheet was no problem. I don't usually do not enjoy sci-fi books very much, but reading this book was truly a good experience. I can't wait to read the sequels!
P.S. Please read the comment below. Thanks!
By the way, the letter in this post is from the perspective of a lady named Ellie who lives in a seperate part of the White Mountains cave. She has gotten to know Will and his friends since the time that they arrived at the cave. I made up some people and places that are not in the book and I don't think are in the sequel either. Some of these made up people and places are: Ellie, Geraldine,"team leader", Progect Tripod City, West Wing, "the Board", and "Newcomer's section."
ReplyDeleteI LOVED your blogpost! It was REALLY good and interesting. I liked the way you thought of what Ellie would say, you put yourself in shoes.